Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sam in The Spokesman Review

Sam was interviewed a few weeks ago by the Spokesman Review, here's his article. He was so excited when he saw the article! Check it out- so proud of our Sam!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

 Here is a link to another article about a child with EB (same form as Sam's). Dr. Jakub Tolar gave a great description of how to explain what EB is. EB is so rare it is sometimes hard to explain to others exactly what is wrong with the skin, this is a simple way to explain it.

“(Collagen) is like a glue,” Dr. Jakub Tolar, director of the University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute and an associate professor in the department of pediatrics at UM, told “We have several layers in the skin, and the two main layers – the dermis and the epidermis – are literally glued together like Velcro with loops of this collagen.  If you don’t have it, you will lose the surface of the skin, and that’s what these kids have.”

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The show "The Doctors" had a special this week on another boy with EB, same form as Sam. Check out the link!